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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Overview of Past HDCA Conferences and Global Dialogue

    …- India, New Dehli: Equality, Inclusion and Human Development 2007 – USA, New York: Ideas Changing History 2006 – the Netherlands, Groningen: Freedom and Justice 2005 – France, Paris: Knowledge and Public Action 2004 – Italy, Pavia: Enhancing Human Security (Conferences that preceded the founding of the HDCA): 2003 – Italy, Pavia From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Freedom 2002 – UK, Cambridge Promoting Women’s Capabilities: Examining Nus…

  2. Latest news from the TG Education coordinators

    …Human Development and Capability Debates series. The aim is not to publish new research but to present a critical overview of HDCA research in the area of education to a non-specialist readership. This could focus on human capital vs capability discourse, quality education or education beyond the millennium development goals. Anyone interested in submitting a proposal should contact the series editor, Khanam Virjee at 3….

  3. 2015 HDCA Conference – Georgetown University

    …f the cosmopolitan versus the civic republican; democratic versus the international and transnational; democratic sovereignty versus human rights law. 7. World Bank Panel Sunday 9/13, 10-11:30 am “The Role of Governments and Markets in Promoting Mobility and Ending Poverty” In 2013, the World Bank Group (WBG) declared two goals: ending extreme poverty by 2030 and achieving shared prosperity. This session will discuss the roles the government and t…

  4. Regional networks

    …t and theCA as a theoretical framework for empirical investigations. North American Network The North American Network aims to bring together scholars (both students and professors/researchers) and practitioners of development with an interest in human development and the capability approach. Newcomers and experts originating from or working in Canada, Mexico and the United States are all welcome to join the network. Our hope is that webinars, con…

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