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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. HD&C Debate Series – Technology and Human Development

    …a technology. The book examines whether technology is merely a neutral instrument that expands what people can do and be in life, or whether technology transfers may also impose certain views of what it means to lead a good life. The final chapter examines the capability approach in relation to contemporary debates about ‘ICT for Development’ (ICT4D), as the technology domain where the approach has been most extensively applied so far. This book i…

  2. APPLY NOW: Master Class “Social Justice and Fair Limits to Wealth” with Prof. Ingrid Robeyns

    …olution that works for all of us. Practical Information: Dates: Monday, February 17th 2020 – 14.00 till Wednesday, February 19th 2020 – 9.00 – Departure Fees/Costs: The participation fee is 58,- EUR. This includes snacks during breaks, dinner on 17 th lunch and dinner on the 18 th of February. For overnight stay and breakfast the Akademie offers rooms at a reduced price of 50,- EUR per night. Please indicate in your application whether and for how…

  3. New books on the CA and Innovation / ICT4D

    …ions are not included yet, please log in to the HDCA site and add them! Others may be very interested to learn about this publication and read it, and surely you want your work to be read!…

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