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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Conference: Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations

    …The Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions is hosting an international conference entitled “*Breaking the Rules! Energy Transitions as Social Innovations* <>” that will take place on *June 14th – 15th, 2018*, at *WZB Berlin Social Science Center* <>*….

  2. Call for contributions: Breaking Boundaries – (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic – seeking indigenous voices

    Dear All, I am pleased to announce the Call for Contributions for Breaking Boundaries: (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic. The aim of this open access collection is to offer a lasting record of collective and individual accounts and counter-accounts during the pandemic and its aftermath. This is your chance to share your voice and your perspective on what happened to ensure future generations can look back and understand this exceptional peri…

  3. 2019 HDCA Conference – London, UK




    “Connecting Capabilities”

    9-11 September, 2019

    London, UK

    Hosted by University College London


    in partnership with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Birkbeck, the University of East London (UEL) and the London International Development Centre (LIDC)

    The 2019 HDCA Program Committee cordially invites scholars, government policy makers, practitioners and other interested parties from all over the world to participate in the 2019 HDCA conference.  Original empirical research, theoretical issues, case-studies or reports of experiences, or findings from major research projects, and book panels relevant to conference theme or more broadly related to human development/capabilities approach will be presented.


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    …Please contact us with suggestions for jobs, events, publications or other news relevant to our website. Thank you!…

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