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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. HDCA Teacher Workshop 2: Teaching at Undergraduate Level

    Wednesday 10th February 2021 13:00 – 14:30 UTC Register here: In this second event in our Teacher Workshop series we will be focussing on developments and ideas for teaching about human development and the CA at undergraduate level. We welcome teachers who are currently teaching on this subject to join us for this event. The workshop is ope…

  2. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop II: Exploring “worthwhile development”

    21st April, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) For our second workshop for undergraduate students working with the capability approach, human development or development ethics, Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, US) will present a simulation exercise for thinking about human development ethics. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach (this event is open to under…

  3. Webinar Discussion: Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy.

    …inar with Anna Alexandrova & Mark Fabian 6th April 2021, Tuesday, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm BST (GMT +1) There is now widespread recognition that well-being, educational success, fairness, equality, poverty, etc. are value-laden. There is less agreement on a responsible way of measuring their value. This is a tricky issue for public policy because governments need effective measures for benchmarking, impact evaluation, and other forms of accountability,…

  4. HDCA Global Dialogue 2021

    HDCA is delighted to announce the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, taking place 20-30 September 2021 entirely online using the Whova event platform. A special programme of events, the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, will include keynote speakers, panel and roundtable discussions, workshops and informal meetings and networking sessions. The program has been organised by the eight HDCA Regional Networks. Attendance at all events in the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021 is free and open to both HDCA members and non-members.

    For more information about the HDCA Global Forum 2021, please contact the HDCA Administrator, Kathy Rosenblum (

  5. Call for papers. The Quest for Normativity: Challenges and New Directions in Social Research

    Civic Sociology, June 2021. Papers are invited for a special collection on normative turns in social research. A number of normative turns have arguably taken place in recent decades within social research. From the capabilities approach to moral anthropology, from the anti-utilitarian movement in the social sciences to feminism, and from critical realism to the sociology and ethics of care — numerous authors and re…

  6. Privacy and Cookie Policy

    …ilar request. Analytics information. Your information might be shared with online analytics tools in order to track and analyse website traffic. If you choose to provide such information during registration or otherwise, you are giving Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) permission to use, share, and store that information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy. Your information may be disclosed for additional reasons, inc…

  7. CfP: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. A Sociological Perspective

    …SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland – Minela Kerla, The Association of Online Educators, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, University of Warsaw, Poland – Piotr Toczyski, The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland – Delali A. Dovie, University of Ghana, Ghana SUBMISSION: Papers should be submitted through this link, using the “Submit your manuscript” button: and must follow…

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