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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Paola Velasco Herrejon

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  • Position: Early Career
  • Department: Department of Technology Systems
  • Affiliation: University of Oslo
  • Country: Norway
  • Website:
  • Biographical info: My research adopts an interdisciplinary perspective to examine socio-technical aspects of the global energy transition and decarbonisation with a focus on well-being, energy poverty, participation, power, and social justice. I’m particularly interested in understanding how shifting actions and power relations maintain or transform society’s relationship with low-carbon technologies in the Global South and North.

Research interests:
Energy Justice, Renewable Energy, Indigenous Communities, Capabilities, Power, Sustainability, and Participatory Action Research

Thematic Groups:
Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network Empowerment and Collective Capabilities Horizontal Inequality Human Security Indigenous Peoples Participatory Methods Sustainable Human Development

Regional Network:
Latin American Network

Acerca de Paola Velasco Herrejon

Paola's research focuses on indigenous led participation for the development of renewable energy projects. Her previous experience includes working at the Women’s National Institute in Mexico, and as Corporate Social Responsibility coordinator of a wind energy firm.

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