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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Monthly Archives: February 2019

ISA RC28 conference on social inequality and social mobility in comparative perspective

ISA RC28 Summer Meeting 2019
Princeton, New Jersey
Thursday, August 15 - Saturday, August 17
The International Sociological Association’s Research Committee 28 invites all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to its next annual Summer Meeting.
The 2019 meeting will take place at Princeton University, August 15-17, 2019, and is hosted by Yu Xie, University Professor of Sociology and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.
Paper and/or poster submissions that address this theme are especially encouraged. As the conference will feature regular sessions on all fields of stratification research (e.g. on intergenerational mobility, education, labor markets, gender, family, migration and ethnicity, economic inequality, poverty, life courses, health and well-being, political sociology, methodology), any contribution relevant to the broad research agenda of the RC28 on social stratification, mobility and inequality is welcome.
All submissions are subject to peer review by the program committee. Authors will be informed of the committee's decision by May 1, 2019.
To apply, visit our Submissions page. Submission deadline is March 1, 2019.

WEBINAR: The Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas: a tool to support Responsible Innovation

HDCA’s Thematic Group ‘Technology, Innovation and Design’ invites you to a joint webinar by Marc Steen, TNO

Date: 25 March 2019, 16:00 CET/Amsterdam (= 15:00 GMT/London; 20:30 IST/Delhi; 11:00 EDT).

Marc Steen will present a tool that can help to promote and support Responsible Innovation in organizations and companies: the ‘Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas’.  The Canvas is a variation on the Business Model Generation Canvas, inspired by the Capability Approach. The Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas It is a template to help structure discussions, for example during a workshop. It is meant to support people who work in an innovation or design project to reflect critically and generate clarity on two issues: 1) the impact which they aim to make in society with their project, both intended, positive impacts, and unintended, negative impacts; and 2) the partners they need in order to realize this impact, and the stakeholders they need to involve.

These two issues often remain implicit and are therefore not always critically examined. The Canvas is inspired by the Capability Approach: it views technologies as means towards human flourishing; and it focuses on involving societal stakeholders during the innovation process. The Canvas is meant as an antidote to technology-push. The tool was developed in the JERRI project (; funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program), which aims to support organizations in organizing (and institutionalizing) Responsible Innovation.

Speaker’s bio: Marc Steen works as a senior research scientist at TNO, an organization for applied scientific research and innovation in The Netherlands. He earned MSc, PDEng and PhD degrees in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He is an expert in Human-Centred Design, Open Innovation, Responsible Innovation, and Applied Ethics in Big data and Algorithms. His mission is to help organizations and companies to use technologies in ways that help to create a just society and to promote people's flourishing.

The webinar will be moderated by Rafael Ziegler.

Participants are asked to register in advance. Please send a brief email to Marc Stehen ( Once registered, participants will receive further instructions on how to participate in the webinar.



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