Prof. Monica Yukie Kuwahara

- Position: Professor
- Department: Economics
- Affiliation: Federal University of ABC - UFABC - Brazil
- Biographical info: Monica Yukie Kuwahara is an economist with a degree from the University of Campinas (Unicamp), a Master’s in Latin American Integration from Prolam-USP, and a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP. She is a faculty member in the Bachelor’s Program in Economic Sciences (BCE) and serves as a professor and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Economics (PPGE) at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). Her research is both intersectional and pluralistic, encompassing well-being economics, human development indicators, and environmental sustainability. She seeks to apply the Capability Approach to analyze gender inequalities and to conduct socio-economic studies on urban quality of life, with a particular emphasis on mobility and sanitation.
Research interests:
Quality of life; Inequality; Gender; Sustainable Human Development.
Thematic Groups:
Gender and Sexuality Horizontal Inequality Quantitative Research Methods Sustainable Human Development
Regional Network:
Latin American Network