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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Project Funding Available: Decolonising Education for Peace in Africa Fund

Phase 3 Projects

The Decolonising Education for Peace in Africa project will fund projects in the field of peace education.

The DEPA Network is expanding.  We are commissioning new projects to enhance and expand on the findings and knowledge from the Proof of Concept projects in Phase 1 and Phase 2 Projects.

The projects should be of 3-6 months duration and the following levels of funding will be available:

  • Up to 5 Individual Researcher Grants, of up to £5,000. We encourage proposals that meet the value for money criteria of the AHRC.  Only UK-based individuals can apply for the Individual Researcher Grants.
  • Up to 4 Small Project Grants, will be commissioned, each with a value of £10,000 - £30,000. We encourage proposals that meet the value for money criteria of the AHRC.  The Small Project Grants are open to UK and African scholars, NGOs and other organisations which work in the relevant areas.
  • Up to 2 Large Project Grants will be commissioned, each with a value of between £30,000 and £60,000. We encourage proposals that meet the value for money criteria of the AHRC.  The Large Project Grants are open to UK and African scholars, NGOs and other organisations which work in the relevant areas.

Please note: costings should be calculated using 100% of UK partners’ costs even though, as per UKRI rules, only 80% of these costs can be funded by the grant.

For details, including eligibility and application process:

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