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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Webinar: The Return of the Native: An ethnographic revisit to Sripuram in South India

The HDCA Thematic group on Participatory Methods invites you to a webinar  by Dr. L N Venkataraman (TERI University, India)

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

12:00 to 13.30pm in Rome (CET)

16:30 to 18:00pm in Delhi

6:00 to 7:30am Eastern Standard Time

Caste system with its class dynamics bestows on India the dubious distinction of the highly stratified society in the World. In this backdrop, the present paper analyzes the ethnography of educational functionings of the poor. For this, theoretical strands of both Capabilities Approach and Social Capital theory have been consulted. The reflexive insights have been derived from a restudy of the Sripuram village in South India. This village has been studied by renowned Indian Sociologist Andre Beteille in 1960. The present research revisited Sripuram nearly after five decades to comprehend the qualitative changes in the field. This has successfully resulted into the examination of the methodological implications of ethnography and theoretical inferences of educational functionings on capabilities formation.

Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. L N Venkataraman (Laksh) is an academic with wide range of experience in research, teaching and consultancy works in Development Studies. His publications can be seen in high impact refereed journals like the Development in Practice; Indian Journal of Human Development; Economic and Political Weekly among others. He is closely associating with various academic leaders and actively delivering lectures and project presentations both in India and other countries. He is also an active member in various Academic Associations like the Human Development and Capabilities Association among others. He has a DPhil degree from the Universitat Bielefeld in Germany and Post-Doctorate from the University of the Free State in South Africa.

Participants must REGISTER to participate in this webinar. Details on how to participate will be sent to you a few days before the webinar. To register and for any question about the webinar, please contact Andrea Ferrannini and Bernhard Babic (;

The webinar is expected to last one and a half hours. It will include the presentation by Laksh followed by an interactive questions and answers session. Andrea Ferrannini and Bernhard Babic will moderate the Q&A session.

Please JOIN the webinar by clicking on this link:


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