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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Bouncing back or bouncing forward: social resilience, social rights and capabilities in the post-Covid19 Europe

Date - 26 January 2021

Time - 1-2.30pm UTC


Ongoing changes in European welfare states call for a new, dynamic and multifaceted understanding of social citizenship. On the one hand, the endorsement of the European Pillar of Social Rights in 2017 provides a framework to foster upward social convergence among the member states and increases the centrality of social policies in the European architecture. On the other hand, recurring shocks (the 2008 financial crisis, the 2015 refugee crisis, the 2020 Covid-19 crisis, the structural climate crisis) increase the actual or perceived vulnerability of European citizens.

To realize social rights in a context of increased exposure to risks and vulnerabilities means to acknowledge that strengthening cross-level adaptive and transformative resilience mechanisms is a top priority. Effective resilience mechanisms require the mobilization of resources, of individual capacities as well as of collective action processes: this is closely linked to individual and collective ability to flourish as individuals and as communities.

The webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on how the concepts of social rights, social citizenship, social resilience and capabilities are interlinked and how they can be used to structure a sustainable response to the many challenges faced by the European society.


Federico Ciani, Phd – University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development)

Prof. Rune Halvorsen – Oslo Metropolitan University

Prof. Jean-Michel Bonvin – Université de Genève


Prof. Mario Biggeri – University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development; Co-ERN Coordinator)


Caroline Hart, PhD – University of Sheffield (HDCA Co-Education Officer; Co-ERN Coordinator)

Free to attend but registration required:

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