Video and Webinar Archive
Informality and Social Inclusion
Power, Inequality and Justice: A Latin American Perspective
Fernando Calderón (Universidad Nacional de San Martín FLACSO)
Sonia Fleury (Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de la Fundación
Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz))
Javier Iguiñiz (Pontificia Univ. Católica de Perú)
“Latin American Cities: their Evolution under Neoliberalism and Beyond”
Welcome address
Miguel Angel Schiavone (Rector UCA)
Luis Alberto Quevedo (Rector FLASCO)
Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University)
“What, if anything, is wrong with being super-rich?”
Ingrid Robeyns – President HDCA, Utrecht University
HDCA Presidential Address to the 2018 Conference
Urbanization and Integration of Informal Settlements
Nora Libertun (Inter-American Development Bank)
Carole Megevand (World Bank)
Pablo López (CAF-Latin American Development Bank)
Chair: Ann Mitchell
Plenary III
Cities, Immigrants and Having a Sense of Place
The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World
Michael Marmot (University College London)
Amartya Sen Lecture
Autocracy, Conflict and De-Development in the Arab World: Changing Mindsets, Altering Paths
Rima Khalaf (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia)
Mahbub Ul Haq Lecture