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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Video and Webinar Archive

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Use of Primary Data for Measuring and Operationalisation of the Capability Approach

This webinar is the third and the final one in our series on Operationalisation and Measurement of the Capability Approach using various types of data. In this webinar, we discuss the dynamics and the challenges involved in operationalising the primary data. While collection of primary data entails greater autonomy in collection of data, the sample size becomes a limitation and issues regarding representativeness of the data are more acute. Our speakers discuss the frameworks they employed and how they attained balance between the two concerns. With one study being based on households with children in Rome and the other focusing on women in Sri Lanka, the webinar offers interesting comparisons on the notions of subjective well being and deprivation.

Dr. Paolo Raciti, Researcher (Social Inclusion Structure),  National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP)
Matteo D’Emilione, Researcher (Social Inclusion Division), INAPP
Dr Melissa Langworthy (Senior Researcher, Ladysmith)

Moderator: Prof Heath Henderson, Associate Professor (Economics), Drake University

HDCA Webinar 2021 Quantitative Research Methods
96 minutes

Measuring Deprivation in Social Participation

Presentation: Dr. Nicolai Suppa, Research Associate, OPHI and Juan de la Cierva Research Fellow, the Centre for Demographic Studies (Barcelona)
Commentators: Prof. Suman Seth (University of Leeds) and Prof. Flavio Comim (HDCA founding member and Ramon Llull University)
This webinar engages with the aspects of measurement of deprivations in social participation, an important but so far neglected dimension of human well-being. Operationalization and empirical implementation of the capability approach are essential to advance in the quantitative understanding of the new challenges of the field. Using high-quality survey data for Germany, we discuss in-depth axioms on poverty and deprivations and social participation.

HDCA Webinar 2021 Quantitative Research Methods HDCA Videos
57 minutes

The use of survey data in operationalising of capability approach

Due to the multi-dimensional and fluid nature of the capabilities approach, structured, large-sample surveys are less likely to be used to evaluate the progress of individuals on various dimensions of the capability approach. But our speakers have risen up to this challenge and share their insights about the same, from different geographies. Kate Sollis from Australian National University discusses it in context of Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) data set, Darlington Mushongera, from University of Witwatersrand analyses the Guateng City Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey, South Africa and Raffaele Ciula from Sapienza University (Rome) discusses the longitudinal survey of Bolsa Familia program at Brazil.

The webinar is moderated by HDCA Fellow Professor Paul Anand, who shares his insights about a similar exercise conducted on British Household Panel Survey.

HDCA Webinar Quantitative Research Methods HDCA Videos
110 minutes
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