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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. HDCA Teacher Workshop 2: Teaching at Undergraduate Level

    Wednesday 10th February 2021 13:00 – 14:30 UTC Register here: In this second event in our Teacher Workshop series we will be focussing on developments and ideas for teaching about human development and the CA at undergraduate level. We welcome teachers who are currently teaching on this subject to join us for this event. The workshop is ope…

  2. HDCA WEBINAR: The State of the Union: Reflections on Democracy and Division in and beyond the United States of America

    …rian populism fueled, in part, by conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns, white supremacy, and toxic masculinity. These forces converged in a literal attack on democracy during an insurrection at the Capitol building in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. More globally, a recent “democratic recession” seems to have halted if not reversed the third wave of democratization (Diamond 2015), and everywhere there are signs of the deterioration…

  3. JHDC Call for Papers – Special Issue on Participatory Research

    …ts to promote, study and report people’s capabilities make no tangible attempt to engage with ordinary people or empower the poor through participatory processes’. So, the point is not simply to engage with participants in what seems to us an empowering experience but to reclaim the open-ended epistemological ground to reshape and align with other conceptions of (well)being, doing and experiencing in ways that can connect with our theoretical posi…

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