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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Alkire, S. y Deneulin, S. (2018). "El desarrollo humano y el enfoque de las capacidades". En Deneulin, S., Clausen, J. y Valencia, A. (Eds.). Introducción al enfoque de las capacidades: aportes para el desarrollo humano en Ámerica Latina (pp. 45-75). Ediciones Manantial. Ballet, J., Bhukuth, A. y Radja, K. (2011). "Rethinking Access to Education through the Capability Approach: The Case of Street Children". En Biggeri, M., Ballet, J. y Comim, F. (Eds.). Children and the Capability Approach (pp. 271-285). Palgrave. UK: London. Baraldi, C. y Iervese, V. (2014). "Observing Children's Capabilities as Agency". En Stoecklin, D. y Bonvin, J. M. (Eds.). Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects (8th ed., pp. 131-152). Springer. Biggeri, M. (2021). "Capability Approach to Children's Well-Being and Well-Becoming". En Chiappero, E. C., Osmani, S. y Qizilbash, M. (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach (pp. 523-543). Cambridge University Press. Biggeri, M., Arciprete, C. y Karkara, R. (2019). "Children and Youth Participation in Decision-Making and Research Processes". En The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation Concepts, Methods and Applications (pp. 193-222). Palgrave. UK: London. Biggeri, M., Ballet, J. y Comim, F. (2011). Children and the Capability Approach. Palgrave. UK: London. Biggeri, M. y Cuesta, J. A. (2021). "An Integrated Framework for Child Poverty and Well-Being Measurement: Reconciling Theories". Child Indicators Research, 14, 821-846. Clark, Z. y Ziegler, H. (2014). "The UN Children's Rights Convention and the Capabilities Approach - Family Duties and Children's Rights in Tensión". En Stoecklin, D. y Bonvin, J. M. (Eds.). Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects (8th ed., pp. 131-152). Springer. Corona, Y. y Derr, V. (2021). "Rising voices. Participatory and anticolonial frames for realizing young people's rights". En Derr, V. y Corona, Y. (Eds.). Latin American Transnational Children and Youth (pp. 137-147). Routledge. Corona, Y. y Vélez Alvarez, J. (2021). "From paralysis to activism: Climate change and world care by young people". En Derr, V. y Corona, Y. (Eds.). Latin American Transnational Children and Youth (pp. 171-185). Routledge. Cortina, A. (2010). Justicia cordial. Editorial Trotta. Cortina, A. (2007). Ética de la razón cordial: Educar en la ciudadanía en el siglo XXI. Ediciones Nobel. Cortina, A. (2019). "An Agency-Focused Version of Capability Ethics and the Ethics of Cordial Reason: The Search for a Philosophical Foundation for Deliberative Democracy". En Keleher, L. y Kosko, S. J. (Eds.), Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics (1ª ed., pp. 306-324). Cambridge University Press. Cowden, M. (2016). Children's Rights. From Philosophy to Public Policy. Palgrave Macmillan. Crocker, D. y Robeyns, I. (2010). "Capability and Agency". En Morris, Ch. W. (Ed.). Amartya Sen (pp. 60-90). Cambridge University Press. CRPD (2006). Convention on the Rights of the Person with Disabilities. United Nations (Online). Deneulin, S., Clausen, J. y Valencia, A. (2018). "Introducción". En Deneulin, S., Clausen, J. y Valencia, A. (Eds.). Introducción al enfoque de las capacidades: aportes para el desarrollo humano en Ámerica Latina (pp. 15-22). Ediciones Manantial. Derr, V. y Corona, Y. (Eds.) (2021). Latin American Transnational Children and Youth: Experiences of Nature and Place, Culture and Care Across the Americas (1ª ed.). Routledge. Dixon, R. y Nussbaum, M. (2012). "Children's Rights and a Capabilities Approach: The Question of Special Priority". SSRN Electronic Journal, 384, pp. 549-593. Dominguez-Serrano, M., Moral-Espín, L. y Gálvez-Muñoz, L. (2019). "A well-being of their own: Children's perspectives of well-being from the capabilities approach". Childhood, Vol. 26(1) 22-38. Fegter, S. y Richter, M. (2014). "Capability Approach as a Framework for Research on Children's Well-Being". En Ben-Arieh, A., Casas, F., Frones, I. y Korbin, J. E. (Eds). Handbookof Child Welbeing. Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective (pp. 739-758). Springer. Foster, J. E. y Handy, C. (2008). "External Capabilities", OPHI Working Paper 8. University of Oxford. Fricker, M. (2017). Injusticia Epistémica. El poder y la ética del conocimiento. (R. García Pérez, Trad., 1.ª. Ed.). Herder Editorial. (Trabajo original publicado en 2007). Gasparri, G., El Omrani, O., Hinton, R., Imbago, D., Lakhani, H., Mohan, A., Yeung, W. y Bustreo, F. (2021). "Children, Adolescents, and Youth Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Climate Change". Health and Human Rights Journal, 23(2), 95-108. Hart, C. S. y Brando, N. (2018). "A capability approach to children's well-being, agency and participatory rights in education". European Journal of Education, 53(3), 293-309. Leivas Vargas, M., Maicas-Pérez, M., Monge Hernández, C. y Fernández-Baldor, A. (2022). "They Take Away What We Are: Contributions of a Participatory Process with Photovoice to the Capabilities for Epistemic Liberation of Young People", Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 23:1, 50-72. Lister, R. (2007). "Why citizenship: Where, when and how children?", Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 8(2). Navne, D. E. y Skovdal, M. (2021) "Small steps and small wins in young people's everyday climate crisis activism", Children's Geographies, 19:3, 309-316. Nussbaum, M. (2012). Crear Capacidades. Propuesta para el desarrollo humano (A. Santos, Trad., 1.ª. Ed.). Paidós. (Trabajo original publicado en 2011). Peleg, N. (2013). "Reconceptualising the Child's Right to Development: Children and the Capability Approach". The International Journal of Children's Rights, 21, 523-542. PNUD (2020). Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano. La próxima frontera. El desarrollo humano y el Antropoceno. New York. EE.UU. Quintanilla, P. (2017). "Agencia, Voluntad y Autoconocimiento". En Munoz, I., Blondet, M. y Gamio, G. (Eds.). Ética, agencia y desarrollo humano: V Conferencia de la Asociacion Latinoamericana y del Caribe para el Desarrollo Humano y el Enfoque de Capacidades (pp. 25-38). Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial. Reynaert, D. y Roose, R. (2014). "Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Discussing Children's Agency Against the Horizon of the Institutionalised Youth Land". En Stoecklin, D. y Bonvin, J. M. (Eds.). Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects (pp. 175-194) Springer. Rizzini, I. y Strickland, D. (2014). "Growing Up in Contexts of Vulnerability: The Challenges in Changing Paradigms and Practices for Children's. and Adolescents' Rights in Brazil and Mexico". En Stoecklin, D. y Bonvin, J. M. (Eds.). Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects (8th ed., pp. 131-152). Springer. Robeyns, I. (2017). Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice. Open Book. Sen, A. (1982). "Rights and Agency". Philosophy and Public Affairs, 11/1, 3-39. Sen, A. (1985). "Well-Being, Agency and Freedom: The Dewey Lectures 1984". Journal of Philosophy, 82/4: 169-221. Sen, A. (1992). Inequality Reexamined. Clarendon Press. Sen, A. (1999). "Investing in early childhood: Its role in development". Conference on breaking the poverty cycle. Investing in early childhood, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, EE. UU. Sen, A. (2000). Desarrollo y Libertad (E. Rabasco y L. Toharia, Trad.). Editorial Planeta. (Trabajo original publicado en 1999). Sen, A. (2005). "Human Rights and Capabilities". Journal of Human Development 6/2: 151-166. Sen, A. (2007). "Children and Human Rights". Indian Journal of Human Development 1/2: 235-245. Sen. A. (2017). La Idea de la Justicia (H. Valencia, Trad.). Taurus. (Trabajo original publicado en 2009). Sen. A. (2020). Sobre ética y economía (A. Conde, Trad., 3.ª. Ed.). Alianza Editorial. (Trabajo original publicado en 1987). Simpson, L. (2021). Hermeneutics as Critique. Science, Politics, Race and Culture. Columbia University Press. Stoecklin, D. y Bonvin, J. M. (Ed.) (2014). Children's Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects (8th ed., pp. 131-152). Springer. Stoecklin, D. y Fattore, T. (2018). "Children's multidimensional agency: Insights into the structuration of choice". Childhood, 25(1), 47-62. Stoecklin, D. (2019). "Freely Expressed Views: Methodological Challenges for the Right of the Child to be Heard". Child Ind Res, 12, 569-588. Thew, H. (2018). "Youth participation and agency in the United Framework Convention on Climate Change". International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 18(3), 369-389. Thomas, N. y Stoecklin, D. (2018). "Recognition and Capability: A New Way to Understand How Children Can Achieve Their Rights?". En C. Baraldi, T. Cockburn (Eds.). Theorising Childhood, Citizenship, Rights and Participation (pp. 73-94) Palgrave Macmillan. Tonon, G. (2022). "Children's Participation in South America: A Proposal Based on the Capability Approach". En Tonon, G. (eds) Re-defining Children's Participation in the Countries of the South (pp. 1-14). Kindheit - Bildung - Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven. Trani, J. F., Bakhshi, P. y Biggeri, M. (2011). "Rethinking Children's Disabilities through the Capability Lens: A Framework for Analysis and Policy Implications". En Biggeri, M., Ballet, J., Comim, F. (Eds.). Children and the Capability Approach (pp. 245-270). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Uhm, J., Lewis, F. y Banerjee, T. (2011). "Children's Capabilities: Toward a Framework for Evaluating the Built Environment". En Biggeri, M., Ballet, J. y Comim, F. (Eds.). Children and the Capability Approach (pp. 304-330). Palgrave. UK: London. UN (2006). Report of the Independent Expert for the United Nations Study on Violence against Children, General Assembly, A/61/299, 29 August. UN (2009). 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  2. UNEP-UNESCO YouthXchange training kit on responsible consumption for Africa

    …ca’s young people translate their aspirations into everyday actions that bring the continent a healthy environment, with healthy people and a healthy future. Find out more in the free interactive PDF:…

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