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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Expert workshop ICT4D and the capability approach

    …pproach in their work. The aim is to identify what has been achieved, in research and practice, on this conceptual and methodological frontier reflect on the ongoing challenges and questions which remain to be addressed. Oranizing committee: Dorothea Kleine, Royal Holloway / University of London, UK Saskia Harmsen, IICD, The Netherlands Ilse Oosterlaken, TU Delft / 3TU.Ethics, The Netherlands For more information:…

  2. UK Development Studies Association conference in Bath

    …many, great wealth for some and exceptional inequality.Their neo-liberal thrust valorises independence and generates increasing populations whose labour appears either surplus or highly insecure, and so rely on forms of social dependence to secure a basic livelihood. Alongside these non-inclusive growth processes new communication technologies have become an important means through which relationships are enacted, reconfiguring notions of national…

  3. HDCA Launches New Website

    …will encourage more active contributions on the part of members, including news items, events and publications. The site now offers more information and materials on the capabilities approach, and we will continue to expand these resources in the months to come. There is still work to be done to transfer all the information from the old site to the new and add some finishing touches. We appreciate your understanding and patience while we complete…

  4. Krushil Watene Awarded Rutherford Discovery Fellowship

    …onal justice: Obligations and decision-making. Dr. Watene, Ngāti Manu, Te Hikutu, Ngāti Whātua o Orākei Tonga, says that many of our long-held beliefs, such as the notion that the environment is a resource without limit, fail us under the weight of such things as global climate change and rapid technological advancements. “The impacts o…

  5. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics Special Issue on Education and Migration

    …factors. It deeply marks all our everyday lives, it is ever present in the news, and it influences elections around the globe. Migration is hotly debated in politics, and so the ethics of migration is also a topic in contemporary moral and political philosophy. The merits of open vs. closed borders, problems of brain drain and territorial rights are familiar foci, but academic debate has largely neglected the matter of education in a world of tran…

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