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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. NEW PUBLICATION: Bienestar Multidimensional en el Perú

    … Descripción Primer boletín producto del estudio titulado El Bienestar Multidimensional en el Perú. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar 12 dimensiones del bienestar en población peruana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 2,800 peruanos y peruanas, mayores de 18 años, de las 25 Regiones del Perú. La muestra posee representatividad en siete dominios geográficos: Lima-Callao, costa urbana y costa rural,…

  2. Webinar: A social grid for analyzing social innovation in municipal housing in Vienna – from grass roots-movement to social transformation

    …orld War I, a grass-root movement, the settler’s movement, started to construct their own housing and agriculture in order to escape from severe homelessness, poverty and starvation, which were afflicting many people at that time. With the construction of superblocks in the “Red Vienna” of the inter-war period that initiative was institutionalized in a radically innovative way. The presentation analyzes this transformation with a focus on the soci…

  3. Fifth ALCADECA Conference – “Ethics, Agency and Human Development”

    …ica del Pe 24 de febrero 2014 – Envío de sumillas (ponencias) Organiza: Grupo Interdisciplinario de Desarrollo Humano como Ampliación de Libertades (GRIDHAL- PUCP) Los organizadores de la V Conferencia de la Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe para el Desarrollo Humano y el Enfoque de las Capacidades (ALCADECA) se complacen en invitar a académicos, investigadores, estudiantes y profesionales que trabajan en diversas áreas (sector público, or…

  4. CfP: The Current Challenges of Urban Policy

    …ic was and is global, but its impact is felt more acutely in urban than in rural areas. This is due to the concentration of people (population density) in a relatively small area, the use of public places such as enclosed buildings and squares by many people at the same time, and the need to travel by transport – distances in cities rarely allow the necessary distances to be covered on foot. The pandemic has resulted in the emergence of new proble…

  5. Apply now for our advanced Master’s in Development Studies

    …📣Do you want to: • experience the world in one classroom? • study at the world’s 5th ranked University in the Times Higher Education Millennials? • meet students from more than 30 different countries? Apply now to one of our Advanced Master’s of Development Studies at UAntwerpen. #Scholarships available!…

  6. CfP: Social Aspects of Ageing – Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions

    …nergy, partnerships for development, poverty, production, resilient infrastructure, society for all ages, sustainable agriculture, sustainable development, water and sanitation, well-being – Variety of Perspectives on Ageing: applied gerontology, climate gerontology, critical gerontology, demography, economics of ageing, educational gerontology, environmental gerontology, financial gerontology, geographical gerontology, gerontechnology, jurisprude…

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