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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Special Issue Call for Papers: European Journal of Engineering Education

    com/ceee Instructions for preparing the full paper manuscript: Guest Editors ● Anders Rosén, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden ● Ulrika Lundqvist, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden ● Mikateko Mathebula, University of the Free State, South Africa ● Arjen Wals, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands Aims and objectives We invite contributio…

  2. EXTENDED DEADLINE: VII Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Association for Human Development and the Capabilities Approach (ALCADECA)

    …addition to the central theme of the conference, papers discussing related topics are also welcome as long as they establish a critical dialogue with the human development and capability approach. Related themes include: • Human rights and human development • Inequality, multidimensional poverty and human development • The politics of recognition • Distributive justice and citizenship • Corruption, impunity, ethics and human development • Urbaniza…

  3. Call for Editors – Journal of Global Ethics

    …iven to aspects of diversity that may supplement the perspectives of the current editorial collective. More information:…

  4. Conference Ethics of Economic Institutions

    …trecht University. For all questions, please email to Abstract submission and deadline Please send a Word document with your abstract (300-500 words plus up to 5 references) and your full contact details to The deadline for abstract submissions is July 1st, 2014. Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 1st at latest. The deadline for registration is September 15st. Biograph…

  5. Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA

    …el idioma oficial de la conferencia será el español, podrán ser sometidos trabajos en los idiomas portugués e inglés. Las presentaciones podrán ser en estos idiomas si hay voluntarios disponibles para realizar traducciones informales. Comité Organizador: • Oscar Garza (UDLAP, México) • Viviana Ramírez (UDLAP, México) • Teresa Herrera-Nebel (UPAEP) Comité Académico: • Javier Iguiñiz • Graciela Tonon • Andrea Vigorito • Izete Pengo Bagolin • Silvana…

  6. Conference Proposals Due March 1: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …and concurrent sessions with arranged panels and individual presentations composed into panels. Presentations in English, Romanian, and Russian with simultaneous translation available. Topics might include, but ARE NOT limited to, the following: Theorizing, Mapping, and Assessing Marginalization Ethics, Governments, and Marginalization Corruption as a driver of Marginalization Marginalization and the Right to Health Local Norms, Group Rights, and…

  7. Maitreyee December 2013 Issue – ‘Water and Capabilities’

    …The Maitreyee December 2013 issue on ‘Water and Capabilities’ is available for download from the HDCA website (for members only.) Please go here to download the pdf:…

  8. Francophone Africa Network: Introduction

    …earch project on violence against women, comparing different countries. Subscribe to our mailinglist Sign up > references AC en françaisDownload Biblio Afrique francophone_2024Download

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