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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Conferencia HDCA 2018 – Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Conferencia HDCA 2018

    View the Conference Page in English

    “Desarrollo humano e inclusión social en un
    mundo crecientemente urbanizado” 

    Del 30 de agosto al 1ro de septiembre, 2018

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Organizado por Universidad Católica Argentina

    En colaboración con la Facultad Latinoamericana de
    Ciencias Sociales-Argentina

    Con el apoyo de


    El Comité de Programa invita cordialmente a investigadores, académicos, profesionales y funcionarios de organismos internacionales, del sector público, de la sociedad civil, y a todos aquellos interesados en participar de la Conferencia HDCA 2018.  Tiene como objetivo promover investigaciones académicas de alta calidad en todas las áreas vinculadas con el enfoque de las capacidades de desarrollo humano, fomentar debates intelectuales e impulsar colaboración entre los distintos sectores.

    Por favor seleccione en el menú de la derecha para encontrar más información.


  2. Call for Nominations: The Suraj Mal and Shyama Devi Agarwal book prize

    …, on any aspect of gender and the economy, and relating to any part of the world. All books in English, including interdisciplinary ones, but within the broad ambit of gender and the economy, will be considered, regardless of the author’s disciplinary background. Single or dual-authored books are eligible, but not multi-authored or edited volumes, or textbooks. The prize will carry an honorarium of $1000 and a citation describing the book’s merits…

  3. Master Programme in Human Development and Food Security

    …rity is a truly international course that draws students from all over the world. Professors are from prestigious universities and International organizations in United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy. Teaching and learning experience are well-structured, practical issues are discussed and students get to meet high level professionals by participating in international debates and global discussions on trends in human development and food securi…

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