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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. NEW BOOK! Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

    …s a remarkable compilation of learning practices and methodologies to construct reparative futures which are humanising, inclusive, sustainable, and more just, and where past injustices are no longer replicated but repaired or mended. The main players who populate those spaces are of a noteworthy diversity: community researchers, student activists, artists, policymakers and practitioners, and defenders of the LGTBIQ+ community, among many others….

  2. Call for Papers: 1st International Conference on Aporophobia

    …about aporophobia, published in 2017 in Spanish and later translated into English, is a tour de force. That same year the word aporophobia was elected ‘word of the year’ by the BBVA Foundation and was included in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spain. It is typified as a hate crime in Spain’s Penal Code and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs’ supports production of aporophobia statistics. In the recent history of social and human sciences ve…

  3. Call for Papers: Third CAMBRIDGE CAPABILITY CONFERENCE (CCC) – 2018

    …NABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT” CALL FOR PAPERS Cambridge has been home to many researchers working on the Capability Approach. In 2016 we launched a new series of annual capability conferences along similar lines as the early capability conferences that we initiated back in 2001. The main objective was to recreate the intimate intellectual atmosphere, in-depth discussions and time for exchanges, having one hour per paper and no parallel sessions. While…

  4. Call for Abstract / Papers for an Edited Volume: “Application of Capability Approach to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

    …ity, UK. Currently a Senior Lecturer at the Coventry University, UK. His research interests (in the interdisciplinary fields of law, politics/IR, & international development) include international law & global development; the rule of law & economic development process; human development & capability approach; poverty-conflict nexus; inequality, crime, injustice, and development. • Relevant publications: – Ikejiaku, Brian, Migration, Poverty, the…

  5. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    September 22, 2020 13.00-14.30 (UK time), 9.00-10.30 (Buenos Aires), 22.00-23.30 (Sydney) This webinar aims to shed light on the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on children by looking at it through the capabilities approach. It brings together three scholars from different corners of the globe, who will discuss the situation of children in their own regions, and how this may speak to concerns about the effects that the pandemic has had on…

  6. Publishing Opportunity – International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life

    …sciplines and areas of study within the growing field of quality of life research. Handbooks in the series focus on capturing and reviewing the quality of life research literature in specific life domains, on specific populations, or in relation to specific disciplines or sectors of industry. In addition, the Handbooks cover measures of quality of life and well-being, providing annotated bibliographies of well-established measures, methods, and sc…

  7. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    …t to the goals of sustainability. With courses, seminars, and scientific research activities held entirely in English, it addresses the complexities involved in sustainable development and uses an innovative multidisciplinary approach that combines the contributions of law, ethics, and economics. VACANCIES: 5 Doctoral Research Positions The LEES program is seeking five outstanding and committed students to carry out a three-year multidisciplinary…

  8. EXTENDED DEADLINE, REDUCED FEE FOR MASTER STUDENTS! “Energy Justice and the Capability Approach – Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

    12-13 SEPTEMBER 2018, MALMÖ, SWEDEN Extended deadline for Abstracts: 21 August Extended deadline for Registration: 27 August Recently, social scientists and philosophers have shown increased interest in questions of social, global and intergenerational justice related to energy production and consumption. Topics that have been discussed are, for example, questions about availability and affordability of energy and questions about the negative env…

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