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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. The Capability Approach Applied to Child Growth and Development

    …s been using both the normative and technical aspects of the capabilities approach to go beyond the height and weight (functionings, discrete outcomes) measurements currently in use. You can read more about her work in this interview on the Dutch research council – NWO’s website.…

  2. Open Access Book: ‘Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-income Countries’

    …ent among poor and marginalized children. This volume builds on the second international conference on Learning at the Bottom of the Pyramid (LBOP2). It will be an indispensable resource for policymakers, researchers and government thinktanks, and local experts, as well as any readers interested in the implementation of learning equity across the globe. The first volume Learning at the Bottom of the Pyramid (LBOP1), may be obtained at: http://www….

  3. Opiniones de los Miembros de la HDCA sobre el Enfoque de Capacidades

    …n puede tener efectos de empoderamiento y distributivos. Por ejemplo, los grupos desfavorecidos pueden aumentar su capacidad para resistir las desigualdades y obtener un trato más justo “en” y “a través” de la educación. Tener una buena educación es crucial para el desarrollo y la expansión de otras capacidades para que la capacidad educativa expanda otras libertades humanas importantes. Jacqui Goldin SADC-Waternet Chair for Water and Society, Uni…

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