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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Online Access

    …HDC) costs $120 (see this page on the Taylor & Francis site). The individual HDCA membership fee ranges from $24 to $150, depending on your income. So if you would like to have access to the journal, why not consider becoming an HDCA member?…

  2. Free Online Course: Global Health and Disability

    …in accessing health services Links among longer term health conditions and disability How to improve access to health care and rehabilitation for people with disabilities Community based inclusive development for improving access to health and rehabilitation for people with disabilities…

  3. Online Discussion: People and the Planet: The Future of Development in a Post-COVID-19 World

    UNDP-UNEP in New York will hold an online high level dialogue on Zoom: 17 June, 2020, 3.30 pm CET / 9.30 am EDT. COVID19 has unleashed an unprecedented human development crisis putting at risk the hard fought gains of the last decades. It is a wake-up call on the devastating effects of the increasing pressure we are placing on our planet. But in the endeavor of confronting the multiple implications of this crisis, there is also an opportunity to…

  4. Online Seminar: Will digital technologies save us from the pandemic?

    …Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and co-founder of Digital Public – Susan Erikson, Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada – Stephen L. Roberts, Assistant Professor, University College London, UK – Manjari Mahajan, Associate Professor of International Affairs & Starr Professor and Co-Director of the India China Institute, The New School The discussion will be moderated by Katerini Storeng, Associate Professor…

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