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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Call for Papers: 1st International Conference on Aporophobia

    …eadline for submission of papers: July, 31 of 2023 ‘Aporophobia’ is a neologism created by the renowned Spanish philosopher Adela Cortina to refer to the phenomenon of ‘rejection of the poor’. It takes different forms and it is not unusual to see the non-poor expressing indifference, disregard, superiority, contempt, antipathy, aversion, fear and even hate towards the poor. The concept of aporophobia helps us to app…

  2. Thematic Groups

    …ge and clicking on the button for joining (you have to be logged in to the site). Alternatively, contact the groups coordinators and ask them for instruction. For non-HDCA-members:free registration as a user of this site is required for joining thematic groups. After joining you will be included in the group’s listserv. You can join as many thematic groups as you’d like. Start a thematic group If you would like to start a thematic group, please re…

  3. Privacy and Cookie Policy

    …ookies Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. Websites use cookies to help users navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. Cookies that are required for the website to operate properly are allowed to be set without your permission. All other cookies need to be approved before they can be set in the browser. Strictly necessary cookies. Strictly necessary cookies allow core website functio…

  4. WEBINAR: Capability as informational basis for work and employment politics – a European re-search experience

    April 21 at 4 pm CET Sponsored by the HDCA Work & Employment Thematic Group One of the opportunities our thematic network offers is to take stock of capability theories and concepts in the field of employment and work. The upcoming webinar is an exercise in such stock-taking: three members of the TG will look back on a collaborative experience in a pivotal European integrated Project. In CAPRIGHT (Resources, Rights and Capabilities: In search of…

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