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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. 3 Former HDCA Presidents nominated as top ‘World Thinkers’

    …Prospect magazine has assembled an international list of leading thinkers to identify those engaging most originally and profoundly with the central questions of the world today, and to provoke debate about the role of intellectuals in public life. The list includes 3 former HDCA Presidents: Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum and Kaushik Basu. Cast your votes here. Voting closes at midnight on 11th April 2014….

  2. Convocatoria para ponencias / Call for Papers: Operacionalización del bien común / Operationalizing the Common Good (Puebla, Mexico)

    …nd draft and assess specific policies. To this end a group of more than 20 international researchers, under the leadership of the IPBC, has developed over the last year a metric of the common good’s dynamic. We hope to assess with it the key features necessary for the emergence of a common good dynamic in a society or an institution. The Conference will be the occasion to present to a large public the blueprint of this metric and bring together re…

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