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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. FINAL CALL: Scholarships for Summer Programmes on Urban Studies in Amsterdam

    …rban studies with partial scholarship available. Please help spread us the word to potentially interested students. Social Policies & the Urban Fabric (19 June – 7 July 2016) Aimed at undergraduate students or first-year graduate students, our summer programme on Social Policies & the Urban Fabric is a three-week course that challenges the dialectics between a variety of social policies and the planning, design and experience of Amsterdam. This in…

  2. Call for Papers: XVII Biennial IASC Conference ‘In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation, and Action’

    …, we intend to provide scholars, practitioners, and policy makers with a forum to debate the contemporary role of the commons in a globalized word. Analyzing issues such as climate change, ecosystem resilience, and sustainability through application of commons theory offers potential for finding alternative solutions. In light of growing economic and power inequalities, gender imbalances, and impending scarcity, there is a need to find ways to add…

  3. Call for Abstracts: 2018 Oxford International Health Congress

    …7 To submit an abstract, you will need the following information: 1. A 100-word abstract and title (theory/framework, methods and hypotheses, results, conclusions). 2. Contact details of all co-authors (Email, Name, Affiliation). 3. Other information relating to the proposed presentation. A prize will be given at the Congress to the best abstract presented. Further details will be posted in due course. Data is held to inform potential contributors…

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