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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. 2015 HDCA Conference – Georgetown University

    …of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), World Bank Moderator: Susan F. Martin, Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration, Georgetown University 6. 2015 Martha C. Nussbaum Lecture Saturday 9/12, 4-5 pm Seyla Benhabib, Professor of Political Science and Philosophy (Yale University) “Democratic Iterations and Cosmopolitan Human Rights: A New Paradigm for the Dialectic of Law and Politics” This lecture…

  2. JHDC Call for Papers – Special Issue on Participatory Research

    …to allow it to be refereed anonymously. When submitting, please choose ‘special issue article’ as the manuscript type, and ‘Participatory Research’ as the special issue name. Complete instructions for authors can be found at the publisher’s website: The deadline for submission of full papers is June 30, 2021. For inquiries, please contact Melis Cin (m.cin@lanc…

  3. Privacy and Cookie Policy

    …purposes: Providing and maintaining our Service, as well as monitoring the usage of our Service. For other purposes. Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) will use your information for data analysis to identify usage trends or determine the effective of our marketing campaigns when reasonable. We will use your information to evaluate and improve our Service, products, services, and marketing efforts. Managing your account. Your Perso…

  4. Call for Papers: XVII Biennial IASC Conference ‘In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation, and Action’

    …eos, and posters to be presented at this conference, to be held in Lima, Peru, from 1 to 5 July 2019. The meeting will be held in the PUCP’s Lima campus and will be hosted by both PUCP’s Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Department of Economics of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). Extended deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1, 2018 Download the Call for Papers here With the theme of the confe…

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