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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. EXTENDED DEADLINE, REDUCED FEE FOR MASTER STUDENTS! “Energy Justice and the Capability Approach – Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

    …out availability and affordability of energy and questions about the negative environmental impacts of energy production. The capability approach is today one of the most influential theoretical frameworks for analyzing issues of justice, and there have been a few attempts to employ it within the field of energy justice. The purpose of the conference is to explore further the potential of the capability approach for conceptualizing and studying is…

  2. ESPAnet 2022 conference – Stream: Citizen Social Science and Social Innovation: New Practices for the Local Evidence-Based Social Policies

    …s. Such innovations are further developed, adapted, or altered after the involvement of scientist-supervised citizens (laypeople or volunteers) in research and with the use of the citizen science tools and methods. The combination of these approaches leads to the development of citizen social science, which involves citizens in the design and conducting of social research, including engagement in research processes similarly to co-production and p…

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