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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Why join the HDCA?

    …- free, with limited access to publications Become a full member of the HDCA – pay a nominal membership fee and have full access to publications and member listings, as well as other member benefits (such as a subscription to the Journal of Human Development & Capabilities) The table below summarizes the benefits available at each level. (This table is still a draft / under construction and not complete or final) Benefit type Visitor Registered u…

  2. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

    …and practice for human development cutting across economic, social, political, institutional and environmental issues. It provides a forum for an open exchange of ideas among a broad spectrum of academics, policy makers and development practitioners who are interested in confronting the challenges of human development at global, national and local levels. The Journal publishes original research work of high quality in social sciences (i.e. philos…

  3. For Authors

    JHDC Special Issue Call for Papers: Education, sustainability and social justice: lessons for capability development from the Global South Download the Call for Papers Abstract submission deadline: 28 July 2024 ____________________________________________________________ TIP: Tweet about your research! Find a user’s guide here. The Journal of Human Development and Capabilities accepts the following types of a…

  4. Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network

    …actitioners sessions, writing in English for non-native English scholars etc. Mentorship program stimulating interaction between Established and Early Career HDCA scholars. Panel presentations and Meetup during HDCA conferences…

  5. Revolutions in Education: New Opportunities for Development? (Maastricht, the Netherlands)

    …ract submissions: May 30, 2013 Demographic, social, economic and technological revolutions have shaken the field of education in recent years. Access to better information and communication technologies coupled with growing youth unemployment, economic turbulence, climate change, as well as social revolutions (e.g. the Arab Spring) is rapidly changing the traditional classroom. Examples of such changes includes the dramatic growth in Massive Open…

  6. CfP special Issue Ethics & Information Technology on “ICT4PEACE”

    …lict situations. There has been a fundamental shift from top-down hierarchical information structures to bottom-up communication at all levels of humanitarian response. This increased use of ICTs including SMS, crowdsourcing, social media, twitter and GIS have opened a new vista with countless positive benefits for humanitarian response. However, many of the key questions and issues require further research and analysis to assess both the up and d…

  7. IHDP Writing Contest on “Beyond GDP”

    The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change writing contest goes into the fourth round! Young scholars are invited to write and submit an article for publication in the upcoming issue of the Dimensions magazine. The edition will contribute to the debate around “Beyond GDP”. Cash prizes will be awarded up to three winners whose work will be published in both the print and online version of the magazine (1st place: $…

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