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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. OPEN ACCESS BOOK: Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone

    …d public policy, with special reference to India. He is co-author (with Amartya Sen) of Hunger and Public Action (Oxford University Press, 1989) and An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions (Penguin, 2013).…

  2. JHDC Special Issue Call for Papers – Communities and Capabilities

    …ssion Procedure Please submit papers online at: According to the JHDC’s guidelines for preparing manuscripts, please send the paper identified as “Main Document”, with all information identifying the authors removed to allow it to be refereed anonymously. When submitting, please choose ‘special issue article’ as the manuscript type, and ‘Special Issue on Communities and Capabilities’ as the special issue name….

  3. Latin American Network: Introduction

    …usivo centrado en temas relacionados al desarrollo humano en América Latina. Si bien recomendamos fuertemente a todos los colegas interesados en este grupo afiliarse a la HDCA, es posible ser incluido en la lista de correos electrónicos de la HDCA-LA aún sin contar con una membresía activa de la HDCA. No obstante, el acceso a recursos importantes de la HDCA, tales como el Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, está disponible únicamente pa…

  4. Webinar Discussion: Democratising Measurement: A Case Study from Well-Being Public Policy.

    …ogical science into public policy. Register here: — 2021 Webinar Series: Multidimensional Well-Being: Concepts, Measurement, & Application April – July 2021 The webinar series brings together and into conversation established scholars, junior researchers, and practitioners working to conceptualise, measure, and improve multid…

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