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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Teaching on human development and capabilities

    …n human development and capabilities’ which will be held on Wednesday 11th November, from 1-2.30 pm UTC. (We aim to either record this, or write a summary, for members who are interested but unable to attend). Please register here The other workshop dates this academic year will be: 10th Feb 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT) and 12th May 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT+1). Please note that these workshops are for HDCA members; numbers are limited for the first meeting but i…

  2. WEBINAR: Inclusive Data and Statistics: Human Development and Disability in Low- and Middle-income Countries

    …th 24 censuses and general household surveys from 21 LMICs. Findings have implications for data collection, research and policy. Speaker’s Bio: Sophie Mitra is professor of economics and founding director of the Research Consortium on Disability at Fordham University in New York City. She has studied the economic impact of disability and mental illness, the effects of social protection programs, multidimensional poverty, the association between di…

  3. The impact of Child Maltreatment on Children’s Human Capabilities in Aruba

    …hing, human rights, and social justice, the research explored a conceptual basis for valorizing child maltreatment as a capability deprivation using Nussbaum’s list of 10 central human capabilities. It adapted the Netherlands NPM 2010 Child Maltreatment survey as measurements. The webinar will present the national school survey findings amongst 895 children between 12-17 years in Aruba Presenter Clementia Eugene is a lecturer at the UA. Clementia…

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