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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. WEBINAR: The Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas: a tool to support Responsible Innovation

    …l Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He is an expert in Human-Centred Design, Open Innovation, Responsible Innovation, and Applied Ethics in Big data and Algorithms. His mission is to help organizations and companies to use technologies in ways that help to create a just society and to promote people’s flourishing. The webinar will be moderated by Rafael Ziegler. Participants are asked to register in advance. Please send a brief…

  2. Dignity neuroscience: Links between human rights and the human brain

    …that she has named dignity neuroscience stems from her and others’ work in human brain science and human emotions. Dr. White proposes a framework that provides an empirical foundation to support and foster human dignity, universal rights, and their active furtherance by individuals, nations, and international law. It incorporates understandings of brain structures involved in agency, autonomy, and self-determination, the harms of privation and mal…

    HDCA Webinar 2022 Human Rights HDCA Videos
    58 minutes
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