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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Archivo por meses: March 2019

WEBINAR: “Epistemic Injustice and the Capability Approach”

HDCA members and colleagues are kindly invited to attend a webinar organised by the two HDCA thematic groups, FICA (Foundational Issues in the Capability Approach) and the Education group on the 15th of May, 15.00 o’clock CET (3P.M. CET).

The webinar will deal with the notion of epistemic injustice developed by Miranda Fricker (2007, 2015) and its potential contribution to CA research. Providing a groundbreaking account of epistemic injustice (Catala, 2015: 425), Miranda Fricker claims that developing theoretical insights on epistemic injustice is fundamental in philosophy as epistemic injustice is the normal social baseline (Fricker, 2007: preface). Her work focuses on credibility attribution based on identity stereotypes and prejudices. More specifically, she studies how the subject’s capacity of offering the truth is influenced by credibility excess or deficit based on identity prejudices (2007). Furthermore, she considers the notion of epistemic contribution as a central human capability discussing the capacity of epistemic giving and reciprocity in the pool of shared epistemic materials (2015).

In the webinar, we will critically discuss Fricker’s contribution and explore its relevance for dealing with issues of racism, discrimination or sexism. You will easily find the chapter’s reference: Fricker, M. (2015). Epistemic contribution as a central human capability. In G. Hull (Eds). The equal society. Lanham: Lexington books.

Practicalities: One respondent will come from the FICA group, and one from the educational group. The FICA respondent will be Prof. Lori Keleher from New Mexico State University, USA; If you are interested in contributing as a respondent from the education group, please contact Frédérique Brossard Børhaug (; the response will be of maximum 10 minutes.

We recommend to read Fricker’s chapter Epistemic contribution as a central human capability. In G. Hull (ed.), The Equal Society (2015): 73-91 as preparation.

Please save the date – additional information and the link to access the webinar will be provided a few weeks before May 15th. The webinar will last for about one hour and will be recorded. You will have access to the recording after the webinar on the HDCA-website.

Please send us a quick email to register for the webinar. Frédérique Brossard Børhaug,

Frédérique Brossard Børhaug (Education coordinator) and Rebecca Gutwald (FICA coordinator)


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