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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Archivo por meses: June 2017

Cambridge Capability Conference 2017

The Centre of Development Studies, Cambridge is holding a three-day conference on 19, 20 and 21 of June in Cambridge on 'the capability approach'. Cambridge has been home to many people working on this approach, providing a vibrant and stimulating environment for lectures, conferences, PhD theses and research on human development from a capability perspective. Following the style of in-depth discussions of 'capability conferences' that took place in Cambridge back during the early 2000s we launched last year the CCC (Cambridge Capability Conferences) series with excellent results.

For our second CCC we have invited Professor Wulf Gaertner, from the Universitaet Osnabrueck, one of the most distinguished social choice scholars in the world, renowned for his best seller books on social choice, to be the key-note speaker of the conference. The recent launch of Professor Amartya Sen's revised edition of Collective Choice and Social Welfare (2017) has emphasised the importance of the study of social choice for furthering knowledge of the capability approach. In addition, the conference will explore a rich variety of issues related to the capability approach.

The conference will charge a symbolic registration fee of 10 pounds. Places are limited. Registration is necessary. Participants should make their own arrangements for accommodation and meals (apart from a conference dinner organized on the 20th of June for which a fee will be charged). Registered participants of the conference can also submit contributions to the book that is being planned with the best conference papers. For further information about the conference, please send a message to Dr Flavio Comim ( ).

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