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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Archivo por meses: February 2015

Webinar: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality

The Horizontal Inequalities Thematic Group of the Human Development and Capability Association invites you to a webinar discussing:

Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality:
Current debates and emerging work

Monday March 23rd, 2015
11:00am-12:30pm (GMT)

Speakers Include:

Prof. Frances Stewart, Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford; Adviser, Horizontal Inequalities Thematic Group.
Dr. Chiara Mariotti, co-author of the recent ODI report on Intersecting Inequalities

Following a brief introduction, Frances and Chiara will present findings from their latest research on Horizontal and Intersecting Inequalities. After the panel presentation there will be a question and answer session open to all online participants. The last 20 minutes of the webinar will be reserved for an open discussion on participants’ current work on these themes and an opportunity to exchange with other people working in this area.

To register to attend this online event please contact Amanda Lenhardt (

With our best regards, Dr. Paola Ballon and Amanda Lenhardt, Co-coordinators, Horizontal inequalities Thematic Group, Human Development and Capability Association.

Summer School: Indigenous Rights and Legal Pluralism

The course shall deal with the situation and rights of indigenous peoples in the region, from both theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary approach. The course shall enable students to visit an indigenous community of the Peruvian Amazon affected by gold mining, to know the issues and struggles of peoples directly to enforce its rights. This community won the first case before the Constitutional Court of Peru that recognizes the rights of self-determination, territory and autonomy.

The course shall address the following topics:

Cultural and legal pluralism.
Policies applied to indigenous peoples throughout the History of the Americas.
Globalization and contemporary issues of indigenous peoples in Latin America.
International Law on the rights of indigenous peoples and defense mechanisms.
Case study of the native community Tres Islas (Three Islands), formed by the Shipibo and Ese´eja, peoples and its struggle to defend its territory and autonomy from mining.
Field trip to the native community Tres Islas in Tambopata, Madre de Dios, in the Peruvian Amazon.
This course is organized by the PUCP and the Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad-IIDS and comprises the International Exchange Program in multiculturalism, legal pluralism, and indigenous rights.

This course on indigenous rights will follow the work experience of the Strategic Litigation on Indigenous Rights Section of the Clinic of the Law Faculty at the PUCP. For over two years, the objective of the Strategic Litigation on indigenous rights Section of the Clinic has been to develop capacities of the students in order to provide legal defence in access to information and indigenous rights as part of a strategic litigation oriented to strengthen democracy and human rights.

Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples: Realisation of an Inclusive and Integrated Human Rights Approach

Call for Papers

Theme: Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples
Subtitle: Realisation of an Inclusive and Integrated Human Rights Approach
Type: International Conference
Institution: Centre of Malaysian Indigenous Studies
Location: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Date: 9.–11.4.2015
Deadline: 18.2.2015


Access to justice involves more than the administration of justice
through the courts. It includes informal mechanisms to provide people
with a sense of “justice” in various contexts and calls for respect
and treatment of peoples with equal dignity, including proper
consultation on matters pertaining to rights of affected peoples.

Many indigenous peoples have suffered various forms of historical
injustices and continue to face challenges to recognition of their
rights. Recognising this, the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples provide that respect for their rights
involves recognising their rights to maintain control and connection
to their lands, territories and forests, to strengthen indigenous
juridical systems, their social, economic and cultural institutions,
their rights to maintain their language, cultural heritage, customs,
traditional knowledge, and rights of women in the community. As they
cope with modern living, this involves giving them equal rights to
critical health care and education.

As indigenous peoples’ rights are both individual and collective in
nature, indigenous peoples remain committed to their struggles and
their culture continues to be vibrant while their traditional
knowledge is a source of invaluable ingenuity. This helps to better
understand their traditional knowledge is a source of invaluable
ingenuity. This helps to better understand their traditional values
which can help to inform formulation of national strategies, policies
and laws, as well as the moulding of equitable remedies.


- To provide a platform for academic forum by bringing together
researchers, individuals and persons whose scholarly work involves
indigenous peoples, to discuss issues concerning access to justice
for indigenous communities.

- To explore avenues for full and effective participation of
indigenous communities in various decision making institutions
related to their rights and furtherance of their self determination
in all spheres.

- To discuss an inclusive and integrated human rights based approach
which is critical to solving various issues between states and
indigenous communities.


Papers may be submitted under the following or other related headings:

- Indigenous peoples jurisprudential approach to justice and its
- Business, human rights and indigenous peoples
- Indigenous governance, institutions, conflict resolution and
restorative justice
- Environmental justice and sustainability of equitable
socio-economic development
- Forest laws, governance and trade and community rights
- Free Prior and Informed Consent
- ICT and indigenous communities
- Wellness, social welfare and health issues in indigenous communities
- Indigenous peoples and community management of forests
- Indigenous women's access to justice
- Language and education
- Protection of ancestral lands, territories and resources
- Self-determination and indigenous identity
- Traditional knowledge, cultural heritage and benefit sharing


Academics, lawyers, policy makers and government officers, NGO
representatives are invited to contribute papers at this conference.
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of not more than 250 words.
It should include the title, the author and contact details with
keywords. All abstracts must be submitted electronically as a Word
document, attachment to the organizers at:

Abstracts and full papers are to be Times New Roman 12’, at least 1.5
spacing. Please indicate your preferred panel. Paper presenters are
required to send in a full paper prior to the conference.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of
Malaysian and Comparative Law (a peer reviewed journal) or as a
chapter in a book published by UM Press.


Abstract submission:
18 February 2015

Acceptance notification by email:
25 February 2015

Paper submission:
25 March 2015


Local Students:
RM 150.00

Local participants:
Early Bird: RM400.00
Normal rate: RM 500.00

International participants:
Early bird: USD 150
Normal rate: USD 200

(This fee covers conference materials, lunches, tea and coffee breaks)
Early bird deadline: 15 March 2015


Centre of Malaysian Indigenous Studies
Level 4, Wisma R & D
University of Malaya
Jalan Pantai Baharu
59990 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 3 2246-3244
Fax: +60 3 2245-3245

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