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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

2016 Summer Institute on Program Evaluation – Budapest, Hungary

Using Logic Models to Evaluate Social Programs:
Before, During, and After Program Operations

July 18–22, 2016
Budapest, Hungary

To register for the course, please go here.

Application Deadline
Applications are accepted until 23:59 on April 15, 2016. Students who register before March 15, 2016 benefit from a reduced fee. See more information below.

Logic models have emerged as a major tool for improving public and private social programs at every stage of their operations, from initial program planning to implementation and management and through evaluation. As a result, worldwide, they are used increasingly by all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, funding agencies, and researchers. The ability to develop and assess logic models is now a much sought-after skill for social welfare professionals.

Central European University is pleased to announce that, in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, it will offer a public policy course entitled “Using Logic Models to Evaluate Social Programs: Before, During, and After Program Operations” as part of its 2016 Summer Institute on Program Evaluation. Lectures will be led by Professor Douglas J. Besharov of the University of Maryland together with a team of internationally renowned experts in the field of program evaluation and performance measurement.

Course Summary
This course provides an introduction to the use of logic models in program planning, implementation, performance management, and program evaluation. Students will learn how to develop a logic model for a real-world program, including how to identify logic model elements for scientifically rigorous process and impact evaluations, and for practical performance measurement systems. Pragmatic applications are emphasized throughout. (Class will be in English.)

Course Topics

  • Logic models, with a focus on effectiveness as well as operational efficiency. An overview of the uses and elements of logic models, measuring outcomes and impacts (as well as activities and outputs), causal attribution and the counterfactual, and a taxonomy of key data elements (that is, the dependent and independent variables that help identify causation).
  • Process evaluations. How to design, conduct, and assess types of process evaluations (including descriptive studies, implementation evaluations, and continuous monitoring); using logic models as a template for doing so; and the practical, political, and normative obstacles to conducting of process evaluations.
  • Randomized control trials and other evaluation methodologies. An overview of  the ethical issues often posed when planning an RCT, the potential research questions concerning program impact that can be addressed, and a hands-on discussion, including presentation of the design, analytic methods, and results of a just completed, large scale RCT of a conditional cash transfer experiment in Zambia. Also, a discussion of other methods of identifying the counterfactual (including comparisons-to-self/intertemporal comparisons, comparison groups, econometric evaluations, and instrumental variable designs).
  • Performance measurement. How to design and evaluate performance measures, including the different types of performance measures; options for data collection, the validity and reliability of various measures; simple ways to identify the counterfactual for outcome and impact measures; and the practical, political, and normative obstacles to implementing performance measurement systems.

Distinguished Faculty

  • Douglas Call, University of Maryland
  • Neil Gilbert, University of California, Berkeley
  • David Myers, President & CEO, American Institutes for Research
  • Anu Rangarajan, Vice President and Managing Director, International Research Division, Mathematica Policy Research
  • David Seidenfeld, Director of International Research and Evaluation, American Institutes for Research

Course Schedule
The course will meet daily (tentatively 9:00-15:00)  July 18July 22, 2016 at Central European University’s campus in downtown Budapest

Course Credit
Students can take the course for one ECTS credit and a Certificate of Completion from Central European University, or a Certificate of Completion from the University of Maryland, or both.

Target Audience
The course is open to graduate and advanced undergraduate students studying international development, public policy, and social policy. Government and non-profit practitioners are also eligible.

Social/Cultural Opportunities
During the summer session, CEU offers a number of social/cultural opportunities for students. For more information, click here.

Course Cost 

  • The base fee for the course is 910 USD. (“Early bird” students who enroll prior to March 15, 2016 benefit from a reduced tuition fee of 800 USD.)
  • A reduced fee of 480 USD is available for those who are employed by a small non-profit organization (annual turnover below 200,000 USD) or by the government of a developing country. (“Early bird” students who enroll prior to March 15, 2016 benefit from a reduced fee of 375 USD.)

Additional Information
For further information regarding course format, the application, or other course logistics please visit the CEU website at

For any specific questions regarding the course please contact: Michael Goodhart at

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