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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Dr. Raffaele Ciula

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  • Position: Early Career
  • Department: Economics and Law
  • Affiliation: Sapienza University
  • Country: Italy
  • Biographical info: My name is Raffaele Ciula, in 2020 I successfully completed the European Ph.d. course in Socio-Economics and Statistical Studies at Sapienza University of Rome. During the Ph.d. course I followed the Visiting Research Scheme in Social Policy at the London School of Economic and Political Science in the 2018-2019 academic year. Currently, I work as civil servant at the Italian Revenue Agency.

Research interests:
Capability Approach, multidimensional poverty, family deprivations and child development, intergenerational transmission of multidimensional poverty, distribution of capabilities and economic growth.

Thematic Groups:
Children and Youth Human Rights Quantitative Research Methods Sustainable Human Development

Regional Network:
East Asia Network

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