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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Mr. Mihail Peleah

Research interests:
poverty, social protection, social policy, social assitance, governance, inequality, vulnerability, poverty and social impact analysis, PSIA, migration, development indicators

Thematic Groups:
Horizontal Inequality Participatory Methods Quantitative Research Methods Sustainable Human Development Technology, Innovation & Design Work and Employment

Regional Networks:
European Network North American Network Latin American Network

Acerca de Mihail Peleah

Mihail Peleah is a Green Economy and Employment Specialist at the UNDP Regional Hub in Istanbul. He providespolicy support and advice on green economy and employment policies in the Europe and Central Asia region. In 2022Mihail co-authored the Global Human Security Report and contributed to the Global Human Development Report.Since 2015, Mihail has been working on the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals, providing support andadvice on the implementation of the SDGs in national and local policy documents, setting up monitoring systems,prioritization of goals and analysis of accelerators. From 2007 to 2014, Mihail worked as a Human DevelopmentResearch Fellow at the UNDP Bratislava Regional Center. He has been involved in supporting and conductingresearch for national and regional Human Development Reports. In 2005–2007, Mikhail worked for UNDP Moldovaas Program Portfolio Coordinator for Poverty Reduction and Human Development. Mihail holds a Diploma (Master equivalent) in Economics, Accounting and Audit (1999) from the Academy ofEconomic Sciences and a Diploma (Master equivalent) in Chemistry from Moldova State University. He is currentlyengaged in the Doctoral Program in Management in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, thesis onmigration management for sustainable development.

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