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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Dr. Montserrat Culebro

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  • Position: Assistant professor
  • Department: Law and Phisolophy
  • Affiliation: Open University of Mexico
  • Country: Mexico

Research interests:
Applied ethics development ethics

Thematic Groups:
Ethics and Development Human Rights Sustainable Human Development Technology, Innovation & Design

Regional Networks:
North American Network Latin American Network

Acerca de Montserrat Culebro

I have a PhD in Philosophy at University of Salamanca, Spain. I work on ethical aspects of social and economic problems applying moral theories and the devising of new concepts. My areas of research are applied ethics, with special emphasis on bioethics, development, and environmental ethics. Besides that, I am interested in gender studies. I am co-author with Des Gasper of Comparing two pioneers of development ethics: Louis-Joseph Lebret and Denis Goulet (2021). I have supervised several dissertations and now I am supervising a master’s dissertation on human development at FLACSO-Argentina. I have participated in several conferences of International Development Ethics Association, and I am member of HDCA. I lecture human rights and philosophy at different universities in Mexico, such as University La Salle, University of Xochicalco. I am currently professor at Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de México.

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