Dr. Carla Francini

- Position: Pratictioner
- Affiliation: Practitioner, (Roma Tre)
- Country: Italy
- Biographical info: Carla has studies background in communication and social sciences, she has written a thesis about the "Linguistic and sociolinguistic indicators of objectivity in the news: the case of CNN" and discussed the results with CNN executives in CNN HQ in Atlanta, US. She has an extensive marketing and management experience in Healthcare and Life science Industry as Brand Marketing Manager, communication specialist, in global products management. She is also a digital communications strategy and social media expert. Carla has a strong commitment in academic research with focus on Amartya Sen Capability Approach and communication, public debate and reasoning issues. Academic works on Social Choice and Capabilities: CA a framework for informational base broadening and essential driver for critical informed public scrutiny is under review.
Research interests:
Focus on Capability Approach and Role of Media Communications in Public Debate and Reasoning
Thematic Groups:
Children and Youth Human Rights Indigenous Peoples Sustainable Human Development Technology, Innovation & Design