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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Latin American Network: Introduction

    …s académicos y proporcionar diferentes tipos de oportunidades para la construcción de un espacio de discusión diverso e inclusivo centrado en temas relacionados al desarrollo humano en América Latina. Si bien recomendamos fuertemente a todos los colegas interesados en este grupo afiliarse a la HDCA, es posible ser incluido en la lista de correos electrónicos de la HDCA-LA aún sin contar con una membresía activa de la HDCA. No obstante, el acceso a…

  2. HDCA Webinar: Rethinking Participatory Research in the Pandemic Era

    …The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives and livelihoods across the world and disrupted the ways in which we experience our capabilities everyday. There is a new normal emerging in all spheres of life as we endeavour on one hand to save ourselves from COVID-19, and, on the other hand, engage ourselves in activities that are both necessary and meaningful for our existence and flourishing as human beings. In these times of the pandemic, for u…

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