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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Recovery in Social Contexts: Applying the Capabilities Framework to Public Mental Health Research”

The webinar included  a presentation by Mary-Jane Alexander followed by questions and answers.

Mary Jane Alexander, PhD is the Director of the Center to Study Recovery in Social Contexts and of the Social Science and Innovation laboratory at the Nathan Kline Institute and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the NYU Langone School of Medicine.  In the Center, Dr. Alexander co-directs the Research Core and is an investigator of the projects "Operationalizing Capabilities Framework for Mental Health Services Research", "Social Contexts of Parenting” and "Silent Wisdom”.  She is a social psychologist whose research in the public mental health systems since 1980 has included research and policy collaborations with users of public sector mental health services aimed at understanding and breaking down system level barriers to services for people with mental illness with other complicating histories or conditions such as addiction and trauma histories. 

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