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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Special Issue Social innovation and Marginalization

A special issue for the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (Vol 3, 2017), edited by Nadia von Jacobi, Alex Nicholls and Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, explores the role of social innovation for overcoming marginalization and exclusion. The issue offers new empirical and theoretical material with which to explore social innovation as a driver of structural, socio-hierarchical change.

Four in-depth case studies from Germany, Hungary, Italy, and the Netherlands provide rich quantitative and qualitative material for the empirical and conceptual exploration of the CrESSI extended social grid model. For the evaluative analzsis, the extended social grid model draws on the capabilities approach.

In-depth summary of articles: see website link below:

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