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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. New Graduate Student Network Google group!

    …apers for reviews or comments, new announcements of any conferences or job vacancies, book reviews, any general query over writing thesis…….Please visit the site regularly for more updates and news especially for our forthcoming conference. Lets come together and make it really an active group of HDCA , achieving the goal we ha set for ourselves….Nupur Ray…

  2. Revolutions in Education: New Opportunities for Development? (Maastricht, the Netherlands)

    …? Are the confluence of technological and social change and a greater scrutiny of the role of business in environmental and social challenges requiring a re-think of the typical business school? These and related topics will be explored at the 3rd International Research Conference of the Maastricht School of Management, organized in co-operation with the Department of Educational Research and Development of Maastricht University. More information…

  3. HDCA Launches New Website

    …will encourage more active contributions on the part of members, including news items, events and publications. The site now offers more information and materials on the capabilities approach, and we will continue to expand these resources in the months to come. There is still work to be done to transfer all the information from the old site to the new and add some finishing touches. We appreciate your understanding and patience while we complete…

  4. Krushil Watene Awarded Rutherford Discovery Fellowship

    …onal justice: Obligations and decision-making. Dr. Watene, Ngāti Manu, Te Hikutu, Ngāti Whātua o Orākei Tonga, says that many of our long-held beliefs, such as the notion that the environment is a resource without limit, fail us under the weight of such things as global climate change and rapid technological advancements. “The impacts o…

  5. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics Special Issue on Education and Migration

    and Marcelo Suárez-Orozco (UCLA). Publication is projected for issue 14:2 (2018). Length: 8000 words excluding tables, references, footnotes, and endnotes. Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract (200 words); keywords; main text; acknowledgments; references; appendices (if appropriate). Style guidelines:…

  6. Call for Papers: Conference on the effective implementation of disability rights in Africa

    …ovember 2015, Pretoria, South Africa Deadline (Abstracts): 17 July 2015 Authors will be notified by 31 July 2015 whether their abstract has been accepted. Deadline (Papers): 15 September 2015. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be required to submit their full papers by 15 September 2015. Limited…

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